An honest convo about disordered eating, body neutrality, PCOS, and weight gain with Nat Kunz

The new year is finally here, and along with it often comes the onslaught of messaging that you should work out harder, eat differently, and make yourself smaller in 2021. You know the drill: new year, new you. But why does it feel like that messaging applies exclusively to weight and size?

To be clear, wanting to work out or eat more vegetables are not bad resolutions. They're just not the only resolutions that you can make going into 2021.

Your body, you know, the one that just got you through a traumatic and unprecedented nine months, deserves to spend the next 12 doing what makes it feel good: inside and out.

So, what better way to start off the new year than with an honest conversation about the struggles and realities of disordered eating with my lovely friend, Nat Kunz. Nat and I danced together in high school and she is currently a fitness instructor. 

Last year, I opened up about my own struggles with disordered eating, and even though it was extremely terrifying to open up about it publicly, I'm so glad I did it because so many others have reached out to me, telling me they've gone through it themselves or have seen a loved one go through it. It can be daunting to share something so personal, but the best way to face those fears is the talk about it because chances are, someone else has gone through the same thing. I'm so glad Nat reached out to me and I'm so proud of her for talking about her experience with disordered eating so openly. 

Today, we talk about her journey struggling with disordered eating in high school and as a young adult, how she learned to love and accept her body, the positives of weight gain, PCOS and period troubles, and any advice she has for others going through it. 

Listen now!


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